Accessories can only be enhanced to PRI (+1), DUO (+2), TRI (+3), TET (+4), and then finally PEN (+5).These are the names of the “enhancement levels”. Weapons and Armor can be enhanced from +1 all the way up to +15 and then will go PRI (+16), DUO (+17), TRI (+18), TET (+19), and finally PEN (+20).You can only have a maximum of 90% chance of success with failstacks but this isn’t always easy to achieve.You can use “Force Enhancing” to guarantee your success with a 100% chance, but this will use a lot of max durability on the item.If you need to enhance an item and don’t want to use your fail stacks, use an alt character. Fail stacks are not shared across all characters.You can use cheaper equipment (such as Reblath Armor or cheap accessories) to get fail stacks.Failstacks are consumed when you successfully enhance an item. Failing an enhancement gives you a +1 “failstack” which will give you an increased chance of success the next time you enhance.
Tips/Important Information before you start: